




Today,I read the news Bill Gates spoke out against to calls to pause AI developments.

I am still interested in AI-related news, so I would like to continue following them in the future.

Also, there are a lot of things to study in English expressions.


・philanthropist (慈善家)

– A person who donates their time, money, or resources to help others, usually through charitable or humanitarian efforts.

・spoke out against (反対の意見を述べる)

– Expressing disagreement or opposition to something openly or publicly.

・out of fear of (恐れから)

– Motivated by fear or concern about a particular outcome or consequence.

・it would be increasingly difficult (ますます難しくなるでしょう)

– Referring to a situation that would become more challenging or complicated over time.

・instead focus on (代わりに~に焦点を当てる)

– Shifting attention or emphasis towards a different or alternative approach or topic.

・asking one particular group to pause (特定のグループに一時停止を要求する)

– Requesting a specific group to halt or pause their actions or activities


Elon Musk and others have called for a pause on powerful AI systems but Bill Gates doesn’t think that’s the right way to go about things.

Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates spoke out against recent calls to pause Artificial Intelligence developments out of fear of the risk to society.

Gates is now advocating for finding ways to use and embrace AI and says it isn’t likely to go away.

He said in an interview with Reuters that it would be increasingly difficult to pause AI on a global scale and the world should instead focus on how AI can be used to better society.

“I don’t think asking one particular group to pause [AI] solves the challenges,” Gates told the outlet on Monday.

He added, “Clearly there’s huge benefits to these things… what we need to do is identify the tricky areas.”

「明らかにこれらのことには巨大な利益がある… 私たちがやるべきことは、難しい領域を特定することです」と付け加えました。

Bill Gates Doesn’t Think You Can Pause AI, Even If You Want To
