ミャンマーのバガンの見どころ/Bagan, Myanmar(英語翻訳)


World Heritage Site – 世界遺産

ancient city – 古代都市

Buddhist temple – 仏教寺院

unique fusion – 独特の融合

mysterious – 神秘的な

artifacts – 遺物

stone sculptures – 石彫像

lacquerware – 漆器

souvenirs – お土産

sunset-viewing spot – 夕日の見えるスポット


A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the ancient city of Bagan was once the capital of the first kingdom of Myanmar.


Between the 11th and 13th century, over 10,000 pagodas and Buddhist temples were built here.


Over 3,500 still stand today in the area known as the Bagan Archaeological Zone, which spreads over 41 square kilometers.


One of the most famous temples in Bagan is the Ananda Temple, a Buddhist temple built in a unique fusion of Mon and Indian styles.


Dhammayangyi Temple, the largest religious structure in Bagan, is visible from all corners of the city and is famous for its mysterious bricked up interior.


The Bagan Archaeological Museum, located within the Archaeological Zone, is home to artifacts recovered from the area, such as stucco works, lots of lacquer and metal artifacts, and stone sculptures, including a Rosetta Stone dating back 1,000 years.


Just outside the Bagan Archeological Zone sits the sleepy village of Myinkaba, famous for the ancient art of lacquerware.


Visitors can stop by workshops to see items being painted by hand, and then grab some souvenirs at the many shops around.


For the most famous sunset-viewing spot in town, head to the white Shwesandaw Paya pagoda.


Here, you can climb part of the building to catch the 360-degree views over the hills and other temples around.

