
More movies, more variety, more money: The box office is catching up to pre-Covid levels



“lag behind”(遅れる、後れをとる):他のものに比べて遅れていること。

“to compare”(比較する):二つ以上のものを比べること。

“on their way”(途中である、向かっている):目的地や状態に向かっていること。

“return to normal”(正常に戻る):通常の状態に戻ること。

“steady stream”(安定した流れ):継続的で安定した状態。



“fill seats”(席を埋める):観客が十分に集まり、空席がなくなること。




・The domestic box office reaped $1.8 billion during the first three months of the year, lagging 25% behind 2019 levels.

・To compare, last year ended up 34% behind 2019′s pace, and even more movies are on their way to theaters this year after Hollywood’s production schedule returned to normal.


For nearly three years, the domestic box office has been chasing the highs of the pre-pandemic era, hoping that blockbuster franchise films would fill seats and sell popcorn.

While superheroes, fighter pilots and blue aliens have lured moviegoers back to cinemas, it’s the recent steady stream of mid-budgeted films from a wide variety of genres that has bolstered ticket sales.

Around 33% of consumers said they would go to theaters more if the box office offered a wider array of film genres and choices, according to new study by United Talent Agency.
United Talent Agencyによる新たな調査によると、消費者の約33%が、興行収入がさまざまな映画のジャンルや選択肢を提供すれば、より多くの劇場に足を運ぶと述べています。

The survey, which polled 2,000 U.S. people aged 15 through 69, also found that 75% of respondents planned to go out to the movies more often in 2023, compared with 2022.

引用:More movies, more variety, more money: The box office is catching up to pre-Covid levels


After reading the article, I find it interesting to see how the domestic box office has evolved over the past few years.

It is good to know that mid-budgeted films from a wide variety of genres have contributed to increasing ticket sales, rather than relying solely on blockbuster franchise films.

